Shuo Yan
   Curriculum Vitae
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I am now working with Professor Saike He as a research assistant at Chinese Academy of Science Institute of Automation (CASIA). I received my bachelor And Master Degrees From University of Technology under supervision of Bo Liu. I have a broad research interest, I did lots of researches about spatio-temporal data mining, especially on the meteorological domain. Besides that, I also did some research about natural language processing, including text classification, text clustering, knowledge graph. I am also interested in reinforcement learning and its related theory. I had given several presentations about reinforcement learning, including school, CASIA, and I got quite good feedback.


Beijing University of Technology

Master of Software Engineering
Software Engineering - Machine Learning

GPA: 3.5/4.0 (top 10% in the department)

September 2012 - July 2016

Beijing University of Technology

Bachelor of Science
Software Engineering

GPA: 3.21/4.0 Major: 3.4/4.0

September 2016 - July 2019



[1] Bo Liu, Shuo Yan, Jianqiang Li, Yong Li, Jianlei Lang, Mengchu Zhou, " Study on Prediction of Atmospheric PM2.5 Based on Spatio-Temporal Extreme Learning Machine: Case of Beijing", IEEE Transactions on Big Data (under second review)
If you are interested in this paper, please contact me.

[2] Bo Liu, Shuo Yan, Jianqiang Li, Guangzhi Qu, Yong Li, Jianlei Lang, Rentao Gu, " A Sequence-to-Sequence Air Quality Predictor Based on the n-Step Recurrent Prediction", IEEE Access (IF= 4.098, Q1) 2019

[3] Bo Liu, Shuo Yan, Huanling You, Yan Dong, Yong Li, Jianlei Lang, Rentao Gu, " Road surface temperature prediction based on gradient extreme learning machine boosting", Elsevier, Computers in Industry (IF= 4.769, Q1) 2018


[1] Bo Liu, Shuo Yan, Jianqiang Li, Guangzhi Qu, Yong Li, Jianlei Lang, Rentao Gu, " An Attention-Based Air Quality Forecasting Method", IEEE, International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2018)

[2] Bo Liu, Shuo Yan, Huanling You, Yan Dong, Yong Li, Jianlei Lang, Rentao Gu, "Road surface temperature prediction based on gradient extreme learning machine boosting" IEEE, International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2017)

[3] Bo Liu, Shuo Yan, Jianqiang Li, Yong Li, "Forecasting PM2. 5 concentration using spatio-temporal extreme learning machine" IEEE, International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2016)

Software Copyright

Bo Liu, Shuo Yan, Air Quality Prediction System based on Deep Learning 2017, China


Programming Languages

Proficient in Python, Java, SQL, HTML, Javascript

Familiar with Matlab

Tools and Libs

Tensorflow, Pytorch, Spring, Django, Vue.js, Spark, Neo4j

Operating System

Windows, Linux


  • First Prize, Innovation on Technology of BJUT 2019
  • Outstanding Master thesis of BJUT (top 10%) 2019
  • Outstanding Graduate of BJUT (top 5%) 2019
  • Second-Class Scholarship of BJUT (consecutive 2 times, top 20%) 2013~2015
  • Third Prize, Innovation on Technology of BJUT (4 times) 2017~2019
  • Bronze Award, Challenging Cup of BJUT 2014


Apart from being a machine learning researcher, I enjoy playing badminton and walking.

When I am indoors, I like watching sci-fi movies and videos. In addition, I like history very much, because I enjoy finding out the causalities of events.